Sugiyono 2014

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, 1Graduate Plan School in Mathematics Education, State College of Medan, Indonesia. 2018, 1693-1701 DOI: 10.12691/schooling-6-12-16 Copyright © 2018 Technology and Education Publishing Cite this papers: Rismalyah Manalu, Elizabeth.Elvis Napitupulu, Mártua Manullang, Delima Simánjuntak, Jetti H. The Difference of Mathematical Issue Solving Capability through the Scientific Method and the Scientific Strategy Assisted by Software Autograph. American Record of Educational Study.

Penurunan Motivasi Menurut Sugiyono 2014

Sugiyono (2014:59) mendefinisikan variabel terikat atau variabel dependen yaitu sebagai berikut: “Variabel terikat merupakan variabel yang dipengaruhi atau yang menjadi akibat, karena adanya variabel bebas.” Dalam penelitian ini terdapat satu variabel terikat (dependent variable) yaitu Kualitas Laporan Keuangan (Y). Agung Hadi Prasetyo, 2013 Tingkat Kekumuhan Permukiman di Kecamatan Andir Kota Bandung Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia DAFTAR PUSTAKA Sugiyono.

Sugiyono 2014 Skala Likert

2018; 6(12):1693-1701. Doi: 10.12691/education and learning-6-12-16.

Communication to: Rismalyah Manalu, Graduate student Program School in Mathematics Education, State College or university of Medan, Philippines. The objectives of this study are: (1) Examining the presence or absence of variations in mathematical resolving capabilities between learners taught making use of the scientific strategy and the medical approach helped by software Autograph, (2) Screening statistically whether or not there is certainly discussion between studying approaches (scientific, medical helped Autograph software) and mathematical initial capability (higher, medium, low) to mathematical problem solving abilities. The research population will be all college students of course X General public Senior High College 1 Medan with a total of 464 people who have been distributed into 13 parallel classes, while the study sample is certainly class Times students of Math and Natural Sciences-5 as Experiment-I Course and class X Math and Organic Sciences- 6 as Experimental Class-II simply because many as 68 individuals. The device used will be a test of mathematical problem solving abilities. Hypothesis testing uses two-way alternative analysis strategies with 2x3 factorial design. In this study making use of two factors, specifically: 1) The studying method consists of two amounts (scientific, technological assisted software program Autograph) and 2) preliminary mathematical abilities containing of three amounts (Higher, Medium and Low).

The outcomes of the study show: (1) there are usually significant differences in mathematical problem solving skills between students taught making use of a technological technique and a medical approach aided by software program Autograph with a distinction of = 0.0704, therefore the use of software program Autograph adds to enhancing learners' mathematical problem solving capabilities in the material of equations ánd inequalities of absolute linear beliefs of one adjustable. (2) There is definitely no relationship between the understanding technique (scientific, technological aided Autograph software) and the initial capability (higher, medium, low) on college students' mathematical problem-solving skills, therefore that the impact of the 2nd factor of studying contributes to enhancing mathematical problem solving skills students and college students' preliminary mathematical skills only have got a extremely small impact on enhancing problem resolving abilities.